研究了基于蓝牙通俗技术的手机遥控计算机(Mobile Phone Control Personal Computer)系统软件编程技术。软件分为计算机端和手机端两部分,计算机端用JavaSE作为开发语言,手机端用J2me作为开发语言,通过JSR82标准里的核心蓝牙包javax.bluetooth实现无线通信功能。该软件系统可改变用户控制计算机的方式,使计算机控制更加多样化,用户使用更方便、舒适。
Mobile Phone Control Personal Computer is a software system that uses bluetooth to establish connection between a mobile phone and a personal computer so that the mobile phone can remote-control the computer. The main content in this article is the bluetooth communication program. The software consists of two parts: the mobile phone end and the computer end. The computer-end software was developed by JavaSE and the mobile phone-end software was developed by J2me, which are wirelessly communicated by a package named javax.bluetooth in JSR82. This software may change the way controlling computers, make it more diversified, and make users feel more convenient and comfortable.
Computer Era