LINQ(.NET Language Integrated Query)已经成为.NET Framework下的一项主流技术,但运用其动态查询的人却很少,因为目前的几种实现技术都存在各自的缺陷,为此,给出了一种支持模糊查询的LINQ动态查询方案。该方案在遵循LINQ规范的前提下,避免了使用复杂、易受注入攻击、不支持模糊查询等缺陷。该方案与查询对象及其属性无关,因此是真正的动态查询方案。
LINQ (.NET Language Integrated Query) has become a mainstream technology of .NET framework, but the use of its dynamic query is rare, because, so far, each implementation has its own flaws. A complete solution to dynamic LINQ supporting fuzzy query is proposed in this article to solve these problems such as difficult to use, vulnerable to injection attacks while being compliance with the LINQ specification. Moreover, the implementation is independent of the query target or attributes, so it is a true dynamic query solution.
Computer Era