采用Aspen Plus软件对淮南煤气化进行了稳态流程模拟研究,结果表明:O2流量的增大导致气化温度快速升高;合成气中CO、H2以及有效合成气(CO+H2)的体积分率随O2流量的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势;CO2和H2O的变化趋势则相反。氧煤比在0.03~0.17kg/kg区域内,有效气体积分率均大于60%;且在氧煤比为0.1kg/kg时,有效合成气体积分率达到最大值64.2%。氧煤比在0.06~0.14kg/kg区域内,汽氧比的增大会导致气化温度随之减小,并直接影响合成气组分。合成气中,CO、H2、CH4以及有效合成气(CO+H2)的体积分率随汽氧比的增大而降低;H2O和CO2体积分率则随之增大。
The steady-state flow simulation on Huainan coal gasification was performed by Aspen Plus software.It showed that reaction temperature increased rapidly with the rise of oxygen flow rate.The contents of carbon monoxide,hydrogen and effective syngas increased then decreased,while the changes of cabon dioxide and steam contents were opposite.The effective syngas content was more than 60% when oxygen/coal flow rate ratio was between 0.03 and 0.17 kg/kg,and reached the maximum 64.2% at 0.1kg/kg.When oxygen/coal flow rate ratio was between 0.06 and 0.14 kg/kg,reaction temperature decreased with the rise of H2O/O2 flow rate ratio.The contents of carbon monoxide,hydrogen and methane in syngas decreased,while steam and carbon dioxide contents increased with the H2O/O2 flow rate ratio increasing.
Anhui Chemical Industry