
琥珀酰化对水酶法提取大豆油的影响 被引量:3

Effect of succinylation on enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction of soybean oil
摘要 为了提高大豆水酶法的总油提取率,减少乳状液的形成,采用琥珀酸酐对酶解过程中的水解液进行酰化改性。研究了加酶量、液料比、琥珀酸酐添加量、酶解时间和改性时间对总油提取率的影响,并利用响应面分析优化出最佳工艺参数为:加酶量5 660 U/g,液料比6.34∶1,琥珀酸酐添加量2.95%,酶解时间2.53 h,改性时间2.48 h。在该条件下,总油提取率为(94.49±0.98)%。 In order to improve the total oil extraction rate of soybean and reduce the amount of emulsion formed during the enzyme - assisted aqueous extraction, succinic anhydride was used to modify the hydrolysate in the enzymatic hydrolysis process. The influence of the amount of the enzyme, liquid to material ratio, amount of succinic anhydride, hydrolysis time and modification time on the total oil extraction rate was studied. Response surface methodology was employed to optimize the parameters. The total oil extraction rate was (94.49 ± 0.98 ) % when the optimum parameters were chosen as follows : enzyme amount 5 660 U/g,liquid to material ratio 6.34: 1, amount of succinic anhydride 2.95%, hydrolysis time 2.53 h and modification time 2.48 h.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期14-18,共5页 China Oils and Fats
基金 黑龙江省攻关项目(GA09B401-6)
关键词 琥珀酰化 改性 大豆 水酶法 suceinylation modification soybean enzyme - assisted aqueous extraction
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