

What Hindered the Sustainable Development?
摘要 生态环境的可持续性已成为中国经济发展面临的最严峻挑战,持续发展问题的探讨却"外热内冷",表面上被频繁提及,实际上却被严重忽视,除去外部性和"公地悲剧",阻碍可持续发展的"非经济"因素更加复杂。首先,由于环境恶化是一个渐变过程,普遍的短视行为使得文明崩溃的历史总是被遗忘;其次,在现实观念中,对技术过分依赖和敌视两种态度限制了其合理利用;复次,知识无序积累造成学术型无知和错误的知识传播,而片面追求经济增长指标的后果要在长期中才会显现出来;最后,对不受约束的奢侈生活方式的追求导致无止境地向地球索取。因此,实现可持续发展需要彻底的观念变革,建立基于系统性的科学教育体系,以及开放的信息管理。 Environmental sustainability has become the most serious challenges facing China's economic development. Even it is frequently mentioned, but the discussions on the sustainable development are actually neglected. Except for externalities and "tragedy of the Commons", the more complex "non-economic" factors hinder the sustainable development. First of all, the deterioration of the environment is a continuous process, while collapse of historical civilizations had always been forgotten. Secondly, in the reality concept, over-reliance and hostility on technology limit their rational use. Thirdly, the disorder caused by accumulation of knowledge spread ignorance and error, and consequences of one-sided pursuit of economic growth emerge in the long-term. Lastly, the unfettered pursuit of luxury lifestyle led to endless requirements from the Earth. Therefore, the achievement of sustainable development needs a thorough change of ideas, a systemic science education system, and the open information management.
作者 蒋景媛
出处 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期24-27,38,共5页 Ecological Economy
基金 北京市教委重点项目"北京市可持续发展对策研究--基于创业型经济视角的分析"(SZ201110028013) 北京市人才强教项目"后金融危机时代全球创业型经济的兴起与中国机遇"
关键词 环境恶化 可持续发展 无序 the deterioration of the environment sustainability disorder
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