报道了采用分步交换法首次获得氧化锆柱层状镧铌酸盐 ,并研究了不同胺预支撑对其性能的影响 采用XRD、TEM、比表面测试等方法对所合成的新材料进行了表征 结果表明 ,不同链长的有机胺预支撑对最终获得的氧化锆柱层状镧铌酸盐的层间距有着较大的影响 ,采用较长链长的有机胺预支撑对提高产物的层间距有利 其中由正十六胺预支撑的层状镧铌酸制备的氧化锆柱层状镧铌酸盐具有较大的层间距 (d =1.36nm )、较高的热稳定性 (>70 0℃ ) ,其比表面 (S .A .=2 3m2 /g)
Zirconia pillared layered lanthanum niobate was prepared by first preswelling HLaNb 2O 7 with n C 6H 13 NH 2, and n C 16 H 33 NH 2, then reacting with zirconyl chloride solution(0. 1 mol/L, aged at room temperature for 24 days), and finally the obtained product was calcined at 500?℃ to remove the interlayered organics. XRD, TEM and BET specific surface area measurements were used to characterize the new mateials. The results show that longer chains benefit the improvment of sample's interlayer distance. The zirconia pillared lanthanum niobate prepared by n C 16 H 33 NH 2 preswelling has a relatively higher interlayer distance(1. 36?nm)than that by n C 6H 13 NH 2 preswelling(1. 15?nm). The obtained zirconia pillared layered lanthanum niobate has a high thermal stability above 700?℃ and a BET specific surface area of 23?m 2/g.
Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
国家青年自然科学基金资助课题!(NO :2 990 30 0 5 )