
微注射成型制品精度的表征及其主要影响因素 被引量:9

The Characterization and the Main Factors of the Accuracy in the Micro-injection Molding Products
摘要 研究了微注射过程中的注射速度、注射计量起始点和锁模力对微型散热器和微接插件制品精度的影响,分别采用了质量法和微沟槽高度法两种方法对微型换热器和微接插件制品的精度进行评价,发现对于微型换热器,沟槽高度法比质量法的精度高;而对于微接插件,质量法和沟槽高度法的精度相似。同时分析了上述3个工艺参数对微注射制品精度的影响,认为注射速度是影响微制品精度的关键因素。 The influence of injection velocity, measurement and clamping force on the accuracy of micro heat exchanger and micro connecter was studied. It adopted the mass method and micro-groove height method to value the accuracy of micro- product. It was found that the accuracy of micro-groove height method was better than the mass method for micro heat exchanger, and that the both methods were good to value the accuracy of the micro connecter. At the same time, by analyzing influence of the three processing parameters on the accuracy of micro-injection products,it was found that the injection velocity was the main factor of the accuracy in the micro-injection.
出处 《塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期90-93,共4页 Plastics
关键词 微型换热器 微接插件 制品精度 注射速度 计量起始点 锁模力 micro heat exchanger micro connecter accuracy injection velocity the starting point of measurement clamping force
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