三峡工程已建的施工期通航设施 ,引用 1998年长江发生特大洪水期间施工通航的统计资料 ,分别对三峡工程二期施工期通航设施导流明渠、临时船闸、翻坝码头的通过能力进行了深入分析 ,对导流明渠封堵后至水库蓄水前的通航条件作了预测 。
It has been shown from the operation in 1998 that the navigation structures for the second phase period have basically enough navigation capacity. Through optimized regulation of the open diversion channel on the right bank and the capacity improvement of the ships (fleets), the navigable discharge and time through the open diversion channel have been increased significantly and the most of ships (fleets) can pass through the open diversion channel during the flood period, resulting in the reduced peak load and pressure on the temporary shiplock in the flood period, and which has resolved in the main ships detained due to the large discharges during the flood period. The capacity of facilities at the Maopingxi wharf has met basically the needs for transfer over dam in cases of emergency and the suspensive operation of the open diversion channel and the temporary shiplock before the reservoir impoundment. It could be more rational that the permanent wharf facilities owned by the Owner of the TGP, or the local permanent wharf facilities built by the proper compensation is employed during the shorter period for the reservoir impoundment.
China Three Gorges Construction
Navigation facilities Navigable capacity Second phase works Water retaining period Wharf