
基于扎根理论的7天连锁酒店集团快速成长路径研究 被引量:5

Research on the Path of Rapid Growth of 7 Days Inn Group Based on Grounded Theory
摘要 7天连锁酒店集团自动自发的开出第一家直营店,其后在赋有企业家的个性特质郑南雁的领导下,7天连锁酒店集团为促进其更快速的发展及不断持续下去,建立起高素质的管理团队,并不断进行经营模式、IT系统等的创新和不断进步,形成7天连锁酒店集团快速成长的路径。 7 Days Inn Group opened the first outlets actively.After that,in order to promote its more rapid and constant development under the leadership of Zhen Yan-nan with the character of entrepreneur,the 7 Days Inn Group has founded a high-quality management team and made the innovation and progress constantly in operational pattern IT system,which has formed the path for the group's rapid growth.
出处 《企业活力》 2012年第2期17-22,共6页 Enterprise Vitality
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"我国中小企业可持续性发展动力机制与扩散机制研究"(编号:10BGL029)的阶段性成果
关键词 中小企业 7天连锁酒店集团 快速成长路径 扎根理论 small and medium-sized enterprises 7 Days Inn Group rapid growth path grounded theory
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