无线Ad Hoc网络已成为现今网络研究的热点,而网络安全问题一直是限制Ad Hoc网络发展的瓶颈,密钥管理对于实现安全通信起着至关重要的作用。对现有的无线Ad Hoc网络密钥管理方案进行分析,针对无线Ad Hoc网络的特点提出了一种基于双向证书信任链的自组织的密钥管理方案,该方案通过对节点间自组织的信任链进行有效的分布式管理,提高了整个系统的安全性、可控性,同时又具备良好的可扩展性。
he research of the wireless Ad Hoc network has been a hot spot in recent years ,but the security of the network restricts the AD Hoc network development, The key management plays an important role to implement the safe communication. In this paper, we analyze the existing key management schemes in the wireless Ad Hoc network, according to the characteristics of the wireless Ad Hoc network; we propose a self-organized and distributed key management scheme based on a two way certificate chain. In the scheme, the Self--organized trust chain which between the nodes was managed by the Distributed management. The security and controllability are improved in the entire system. At the same time, it has a good expansibility.
Network & Computer Security