
回转窑与立窑水泥生产粉尘危害的对比研究 被引量:5

Comparative investigation of cement dust between rotary kiln and vertical kiln
摘要 目的探讨水泥生产中采用的回转窑法和立窑法的粉尘控制效果及其对作业人员健康的危害情况,为今后水泥生产的粉尘控制提供科学依据。方法根据我国《建设项目职业病危害控制效果评价技术导则》等要求,对尘源及其浓度进行调查、检测,根据《职业健康监护技术规范》对接尘工人进行职业健康检查。本次检测是在生产线所有设备运转正常、满负荷生产中进行。选择有代表性的地点、工种进行检测,连续检测3个工作日,每个工作日分上、下午各1次。结果回转窑生产方法对粉尘危害的控制效果显著好于立窑生产方法,两种水泥生产方法主要接尘工种的粉尘合格率分别为86.57%和32.11%;主要尘源点粉尘合格率分别为83.94%和15.62%,两者差异均有统计学意义(χ2=198.2,P<0.05)。回转窑水泥厂体检了4 210名粉尘作业工人,检出尘肺观察对象以上者29人,检出率为0.67%;立窑水泥厂体检了1 300名粉尘作业工人,检出尘肺观察对象以上者65人,检出率为4.23%。两种窑尘肺检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=8 291.1,P<0.05)。结论回转窑在生产过程中对粉尘的控制效果明显好于立窑,其粉尘对作业人员的危害相对于小立窑,改革水泥生产工艺、提高水泥生产自动化、机械化是降低水泥生产过程粉尘危害的关键。 Objective To investigate the dust density and its impact on operation workers' health in rotary kiln and vertical kiln cement production system,provide a scientific basis for the dust control in cement production.Methods According to China's occupational health standards(Technical Guidelines for Effect-Assessment for Occupational Hazard Control in Construction Project and Guideline of Occupational Health Surveillance),the dust density in working spots and population with dust exposed in different workplaces were detected,and occupational health checks for dust exposed population.The detections were carried out when all equipments were operating at normal and in the full production status.The representative work places were selected and workers for testing,and dust was continued to test for 3 working days,each day in morning and afternoon to conduct test one time.Results Rotary kiln cement production system was significantly better than shaft kiln cement production system for the control of dust.The dust concentration in dust exposed population in rotary kiln and shaft kiln cement production system were 86.57% and 32.11% respectively,the dust density in working spots were 83.94% and 15.62% respectively,both differences were statistically significant(χ2=198.2,P0.01;χ2=518.5,P0.01).There were 29 out of 4 210 workers diagnosed with dust observed object or more in rotary kiln cement plants,the prevalence rate was 0.67%;however,there were 65 out of 1 300 workers diagnosed with dust observed object or more in shaft kiln cement plants,the prevalence rate was 4.23%,the difference of two ratio was statistically significant(χ2=8 291.1,P0.01).Conclusion Compared with vertical kiln cement production system the effect of dust control in rotary kiln cement production system is better,and fewer people with the health hazards of duct;reforming cement production process and increasing cement production automation,mechanization are the key to reducing cement dust hazards.
出处 《中国卫生工程学》 CAS 2012年第1期6-10,共5页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Engineering
关键词 水泥生产 回转窑 立机窑 粉尘 职业危害 Cement production Rotary kiln Shaft kiln Dust Occupational hazards
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