
不方便法院原则在跨国公司环境损害案中的适用——全球最大环境诉讼案厄瓜多尔原告诉雪佛龙公司案探析 被引量:1

The Application of Forum Non Conveniens in Environmental Damage Cases against MNEs:Study on Aguinda v.Texaco Inc
摘要 文章结合迄今为止全球最大的环境诉讼案——厄瓜多尔原告诉雪佛龙公司一案对不方便法院原则在跨国公司环境损害案中的适用进行探讨。认为受害方可以从替代法院行使管辖权的可能性、替代法院审理案件受害方所面临的困难以及跨国公司的特殊性等角度出发进行论辩,争取案件在跨国公司母国审理,这对受害方获得及时充分的赔偿至关重要。同时,东道国必须完善本国的环境法律制度,缩小与跨国公司母国这类发达国家的差距,防范跨国公司利用不方便法院制度挑选法院。 Based on Aguinda v. Texaco Inc, the largest environmental case in the world, this paper discusses the application of the principle of Forum Non Conveniens in the environmental damage cases against the MNEs. The author thinks that the victims may focus their argument on the jurisdiction of the substitute court, the difficulties that they may face when the case is tried in the substitute court, and the particularity of the international companies, so as to make the case the case handled in the MNEs'mother countries, which will guarantee the rapid and adequate compensation for the victims. In addition, host countries must improve their environment legal system, narrow down the gap between them and the mother countries of MNEs, and prevent the MNEs from utilizing the principle of Forum Non Conveniens to choose a substitute court.
作者 冯雅囡
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第1期61-64,共4页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 跨国公司 环境损害 不方便法院 multinational enterprises environmental damages Forum Non Conveniens
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  • 2Aguinda v. Texaco, Inc. , 945 F. Supp. 625 (S. D. N. Y. 1996).
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