建立了一种化妆品有机酸的HPLC-DAD检测方法。采用ZORBAX SB-AQ为分析柱,以0.1 mol/L磷酸二氢钠(pH2.71±0.02)缓冲液-甲醇(95∶5)作为流动相,流量为0.8 mL/min。检测波长为214 nm,对化妆品中的有机酸进行定性、定量检测。该方法前处理简单、易操作。6种有机酸分离效果从线性范围、最低检出限、回收率和精密度等方面进行考察。利用该方法进行检测的样品的回收率在80%~110%范围内,相对标准偏差为0.1%~4.0%,最低检出限范围在0.1~2μg/g。方法简便准确,能够满足化妆品中有机酸含量的检测要求。
A new method was deveped for separation and quantitative determination of 6 kinds of organic acid in cosmetics by HPLC-DAD.The target compounds were separated on ZORBAX SB-AQ column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)in gradient elution mode using methyl alcohol –NaH2PO4(pH=2.71)(5∶95) mixture as the mobile phase.The detective wavelength was 214nm.The method had a good linear range,recovery,RSD and LOD.They were in the range of 80%~100%,0.1%~4.0% and 0.1~2 μg/g.The results indicated that the method is simple,rapid,accurate and suitable for the determination of 6 organic acid agents in cosmetics samples.
Chemical Industry Times