
Path Integrals and Alternative Effective Dynamics in Loop Quantum Cosmology

Path Integrals and Alternative Effective Dynamics in Loop Quantum Cosmology
摘要 The alternative dynamics of loop quantum cosmology is examined by the path integral formulation.We consider the spatially flat FRW models with a massless scalar field,where the alternative quantizations inherit more features from full loop quantum gravity.The path integrals can be formulated in both timeless and deparameterized frameworks.It turns out that the effective Hamiltonians derived from the two different viewpoints are equivalent to each other.Moreover,the first-order modified Friedmann equations are derived and predict quantum bounces for contracting universe,which coincide with those obtained in canonical theory. The alternative dynamics of loop quantum cosmology is examined by the path integral formulation. We consider the spatially flat FRW models with a massless scalar field, where the alternative quantizations inherit more features from full loop quantum gravity. The path integrals can be formulated in both timeless and deparameterized frameworks. It turns out that the effective Hamiltonians derived from the two different viewpoints are equivalent to each other. Moreover, the first-order modified Friedmann equations are derived and predict quantum bounces for contracting universe, which coincide with those obtained in canonical theory.
机构地区 Department of Physics
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期326-332,共7页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10975017 the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
关键词 量子宇宙学 路径积分 替代品 圈量子引力 有效哈密顿 积分公式 方程推导 弗里德曼 loop quantum cosmology, path integral, effective Hamiltonian, modified Friedmann equation
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