
大豆异黄酮对低压间歇缺氧大鼠学习记忆及脂质过氧化的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Soybean Isoflavones on Hypobaric Hypoxic Rats’Lipid Peroxidation and Ability of Learning and Memory
摘要 [目的]研究大豆异黄酮对低压间歇缺氧大鼠学习记忆能力和脂质过氧化的影响,评价大豆异黄酮对低压间歇缺氧的保护作用。[方法]采用析因设计,设置地面和7 500 m缺氧两大组,地面和缺氧各再均分5组(对照组,雌二醇组,大豆异黄酮高、中、低剂量组),每个组随机设大鼠8只,雌雄各半;缺氧组采用小动物低压氧舱模拟7 500 m环境,间断缺氧,持续15 d,地面组正常饲养;试验期间,各组大鼠分别灌胃相应的药物,每天一次。给药结束时进行水迷宫实验,并取大鼠血清测定SOD活力和MDA含量。[结果]缺氧和给药2个因素间无交互作用;缺氧组水迷宫空间搜索实验中目标象限时间,平台停留时间较地面组短,经过平台次数较地面组少,同时缺氧组SOD活力较地面组增高,MDA含量较地面组增加;缺氧组给予雌二醇和不同剂量的大豆异黄酮可不同程度地提高SOD活力,降低MDA含量。[结论]低压间歇缺氧加速了大鼠体内酯质过氧化,损害了大鼠的学习记忆能力,而大豆异黄酮能改善缺氧大鼠的脂质过氧化水平,提高学习记忆能力,对低压间歇缺氧具有一定的保护作用。 [Objective]The aim was to study the effects of soybean isoflavones on hypobaric hypoxic rats’lipid peroxidation and the ability of learning and memorya,nd evaluate the protective function of soybean isoflavones to low-pressure intermittent hypoxia.[Method]Using factorial designt,wo groups of ground and 7 500 m hypobaric hypoxic were designedt,hen the two groups were further classified into five respectively(con-trol groupe,stradiol groups,oybean isoflavones of high,medium and low group) e,ach group set 8 animals with male and female evenly at random.hypobaric hypoxic used small animals to simulate oxygen tank of 7 500 mi,ntermittent hypoxia simulation for 15 days,ground group of normal breeding;during the experiment,each rat stomach was respectively given different drugs irrigation(barring control group) once a day;at the end of experimentt,ook water maze experiment,determined rats’serum SOD vitality and MDA content.[Result]Lack of oxygen and giving medicine have no interaction;search space oxygen water maze of experiments target quadrant time,platform retention period is short than the group of grounda,nd hypoxia group superoxide dismutase more ground group,MDA contents is more than the ground group;anoxia group given oestrogen and different doses of soybean isoflavone can different boost the activity of SODs,uperoxide dismutase reduced MDA content and improve learning and memory ability.[Conclusion]Hypobaric hypoxic accelerated lipid peroxidation in rats and damage their learning and memory ability,and soybean isoflavone can improve the hypobaric hypoxic lipid peroxidation level and the ability of learning and memory and has certain protective effects on hypoxic oxygen rats.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第6期3385-3386,3423,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 吉林市科技发展计划项目(吉市科社字2008051)
关键词 大豆异黄酮 缺氧 学习记忆 脂质过氧化 Soybean isoflavones Hypobaric hypoxic Learning and memory Lipid peroxidation
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