
海州香薷中铜积累与生长特性及铜耐性的关系研究 被引量:1

Relations of copper accumulation,growth characters and copper tolerance in Elsholtzia haichowensis
摘要 以耐铜植物海州香薷(Elsholtzia haichowensis Sun)为材料,研究水培条件下不同浓度CuSO4处理7 d后,海州香薷根、茎、叶中铜积累量与其生物量、含水量、根系伸长、叶绿素含量及蛋白表达等的关系。结果表明,随着铜处理浓度的增大,海州香薷根、茎、叶中的铜含量均显著增加;10μmol/L铜对海州香薷的生长起显著促进作用,高浓度的铜处理抑制其生长;100μmol/L铜处理下植株的总生物量达到最大,但根伸长和叶绿素含量均被显著抑制,此时植物根和叶中诱导出一些低分子量的蛋白,可能与海州香薷耐铜性有关。 Under hydroponics,the relations of copper (Cu) accumulation, growth characters and proteins expression were investigated in roots, stems and leaves of Elsholtzia haichowensis after the different concentration of CuSO4 treatment 7 days. The results showed that Cu treatment significantly increased Cu accumulation in E. haichowensis, 10 μmol/L Cu treatment significantly accelerated the growth of E. haichowensis, but the more concentration Cu treatment decreased the growth of E. haichowensis. The total biomass arrived at the most under 100 μmol/L Cu treatment, at the same time, this treatment inhibited root elongations and decreased chlorophyll contents in E. haichowensis, therefore, some low molecular mass proteins in roots and leaves of E. haichowensis was induced under Cu treatment, which may be related with the copper tolerance of E. haichowensis.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期28-30,共3页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 高校博士点基金(新教师类20090097120040) 河南科技大学博士启动基金(09001533)
关键词 铜处理 海州香薷 铜积累 铜耐性 Cu treatment Elsholtzia haichowensis Cu accumulation Cu tolerance
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