In this paper, for a given d x d we investigate the compactly supported expansive matrix M with | det M| = 2, M-wavelets for L^2(R^d). Starting with N a pair of compactly supported refinable functions and satisfying a mild condition, we obtain an explicit construction of a compactly supported wavelet p such that {2J/2b(Mj -k):j E Z, k c gg} forms a Riesz basis for L2(Ra). The (anti-)symmetry of such ~b is studied, and some examples are also provided.
In this paper, for a given d x d we investigate the compactly supported expansive matrix M with | det M| = 2, M-wavelets for L^2(R^d). Starting with N a pair of compactly supported refinable functions and satisfying a mild condition, we obtain an explicit construction of a compactly supported wavelet p such that {2J/2b(Mj -k):j E Z, k c gg} forms a Riesz basis for L2(Ra). The (anti-)symmetry of such ~b is studied, and some examples are also provided.