
可调压式分流管治疗正常压力脑积水的临床应用及护理体会 被引量:4

The clinical application and nursing experience of adjustable shunt valve in treatment for patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus
摘要 采用可调压式分流管治疗24例正常压力脑积水患者,根据影像学检查结果和临床症状,术后分别调压0~6次,平均(1.88±1.52)次,患者临床症状得到明显改善,尤以步态障碍为首发症状者效果最佳。证明可调压式分流管能够缓解正常压力脑积水患者临床症状,尤其适用于病程短之继发性正常压力脑积水。 Objective To introduce the application of adjustable shunt valve in treatment for patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus. Methods Twenty four patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus implanted adjustable shunt valve underwent ventriculo peritoneal shunt surgery and nursing care. Results After operation, cerebrospinal pressure was regulated for 0-6 (1.88 ± 1.52) times. Clinical symptoms were improved, especially in gait disturbance. Conclusion Treatment of normal pressure hydrocephalus with adjustable shunt valve can alleviate symptoms of hydrocephalus. It is especially suitable for patients with short course and secondary normal hydrocephalus patients.
出处 《中国现代神经疾病杂志》 CAS 2012年第1期78-80,共3页 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery
关键词 脑积水 正常颅内压 脑室腹膜分流术 手术前护理 手术后护理 Hydrocephalus, normal pressure Ventriculoperitoneal shunt Preoperative care Postoperative care
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