目的 探讨言语频域包络信息和精细结构信息对听力正常和感音神经性听力损失人群汉语普通话声调识别的作用.方法 采用线性预测编码技术对具有相同音节但不同声调的单音节字进行频域包络与精细结构的分离,将具有相同音节不同声调的单音节字的频域包络信息进行互换,合成128个新的具有来自于不同声调的频域包络和精细结构信息的“单音节字”.利用这些“单音节字”测试20名听力正常人与48例感音神经性听力损失患者(20例中度、20例中重度及8例重度)的声调感知能力.利用SPSS 15.0软件进行统计分析.结果 听力正常受试者99.7%的声调识别基于频域精细结构信息,中度至重度听力损失患者基于频域精细结构感知声调的识别率分别为97.7%,96.3%和83.0%.各组受试者均未依靠频域包络信息识别声调.三组听力损失患者依靠频域精细结构识别声调的能力均与听力正常受试者存在差异(x2=59.2,P<0.001).感音神经性听力损失患者利用频域精细结构信息识别声调的能力与其听力损失程度呈负相关关系(r=-0.643,P<0.001).结论 频域精细结构信息在普通话声调识别中起主要作用,精细结构存在时,频域包络信息对声调识别不起作用.感音神经性听力损失患者利用频域信息感知声调的模式与听力正常人群相似,伴随听力损失程度加重,其利用频域精细结构信息感知声调的能力缓慢降低.
Objective This study aimed to evaluate the role of spectral fine structure and envelope information in Mandarin tone perception for sensorineural hearing-impaired patients.Methods The linear predictive coding technique was applied to synthesize 128 tokens having spectral fine structure from one tone of a monosyllabic word and spectral envelope from other tones with the same syllable.There after,the tone response performance was assessed using these 128 speech materials for 20 normal-hearing and 48 sensorineural hearing-impaired patients,including 20 with moderate,20 with moderate to severe,and 8 with severe hearing loss.Results 99.7%,97.7%,96.3% and 83.0% of the mean tone responses were consistent with spectral fine structure for the normal hearing,moderate,moderate to severe,and severely hearing-impaired groups,respectively.No tone recognition responses were observed in consistent with spectral envelope cues.There was a significant difference in tone recognition among the normal hearing group and three hearing impaired groups ( x2 =59.2,P 〈 0.001 ).The negative correlation between the averages for pure-tone hearing thresholds at frequencies of 500,1000,and 2000 Hz and tone responses that were in consistent with spectral fine structure for the hearing-impaired subjects ( r =- 0.643,P 〈 0.001 ).Conclusions For both normal-hearing and heating-impaired subjects,spectral fine structure plays an important role in tone recognition,and the impact of changing spectral envelope cues on tone recognition is negligible,when spectral fine structure cues are present.Sensorineural hearing impaired patients showed a progressive decrease in the recognition of lexical tones based on spectral fine structure cues,as their hearing loss becomes more severe.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery