
露天煤矿温室气体排放计算方法 被引量:25

Calculation method of greenhouse gas emission in open pit coal mines
摘要 在对露天煤矿的温室气体排放源构成进行全面分析的基础上,建立了相应的碳排放计量模型。研究表明,露天煤矿的温室气体源包括电耗带来的间接排放、燃料燃烧与爆破的直接排放、开采过程中的CH4溢散、煤炭与煤矸石氧化产生的温室气体溢散和矿山开采扰动导致的矿区碳固定能力的变化。在此基础上,参考IPCC温室气体计算指南给出了各排放源的碳排放的计量方法,建立了露天矿碳排放的计量模型。以小龙潭矿务局布沼坝露天煤矿生产条件为基础进行实例研究,计算得该露天矿2008年温室气体排放量为122 351.19 t。 Based on the comprehensive analysis of the greenhouse gas emission constitution in open pit coal mine,the corresponding econometric model of carbon emission was established.The research indicates that the greenhouse gas sources of surface mine involves the indirect emission of power consumption,direct emission of fuel combustion and explosion,CH4 spilling,the greenhouse gases spilling caused by spontaneous combustion of gangue and coal,reduction of carbon fixation caused by mining disturbance.Based on this finding,the calculation method of various carbon emission sources was given referring to IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,and the econometric model of carbon emission was established.Taking the case study of Buzhaoba Open Pit Coal Mine,calculating that emission of greenhouse gas in the open pit mine is 122 351.19 t in the year of 2008.
出处 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期103-106,共4页 Journal of China Coal Society
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(51034005)
关键词 露天煤矿 温室气体 碳排放 计量模型 open pit coal mine greenhouse gas carbon emission econometric model
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