目的分析河南省信阳市和洛阳市流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)流行特征与影响因素。方法用SPSS 12.0、Excel2003软件分析2004-2010年信阳市、洛阳市乙脑病例资料和2010年两市监测的媒介蚊虫和健康人群抗体资料。用微量中和试验检测乙脑中和抗体。结果 2004-2010年,信阳市乙脑年均发病率为1.97/10万,年均病死率为2.92%;洛阳市年均发病率为1.01/10万,年均病死率为9.73%。信阳市发病高峰为7~8月,占91.47%;洛阳市则为8~9月,占84.29%。信阳市0~14岁发病占97.52%,洛阳市≥15岁发病明显上升,占57.08%,二者有统计学差异(χ2=557.71,P<0.05)。信阳市以散居儿童为多(68.36%),洛阳市以农民为多(46.46%)。信阳市蚊虫密度高峰为6~7月,分别为25.09只/人.h和27.31只/人.h;洛阳市为7-8月,分别为13.94只/人.h和14.12只/人.h。信阳市≥15岁乙脑抗体阳性率为97.78%,洛阳市为48.94%,二者有统计学差异(χ2=55.42,P<0.05)。结论信阳市乙脑发病高峰较洛阳市提早1个月,与信阳市蚊虫密度高峰早于洛阳市1个月相一致;信阳市发病以0~14岁为主,洛阳市≥15岁发病明显上升,与信阳市≥15岁健康人群乙脑抗体水平高于洛阳市一致。针对性防控是降低两市乙脑发病的关键。
To analyze the epidemic characteristics and influence factors of Japanese B Encephalitis (JE) in Xinyang and Luoyang of Henan Province, the epidemic situation information of JE in Xinyang and Luoyang from 2004 to 2010, the information of mosquitoes survey in 2 cities in 2010, and the information of healthy people' antibodies in 2010 were all statistically ana lyzed by SPSS 12.0 and Excel 2003. JE neutralizing antibody was examining by using MCPENT. From 2004 to 2010, the annual average incidence rate of J E and the annual average mortality rate were 1.97/100,000 and 2.92 % in Xinyang, and 1.01/100, 000 and 9.73% in Luoyang. The 91.47% of total cases in Xinyang were occurred from July to August; 84.29% of the total cases in Luoyang were occurred from August to September of 97.52% of patients in Xinyang were in ( 14-yearold group; 57. 080//00 of patients in Xinyang were in 15-yearold group. They had statistical significance. x^2 =557.71, P d0.05). Most pa tients were scattered children (68.36 % ) in Xinyang and farmers (46.46 % ) in Luoyang. The peak of mosquito density appeared from June to July in Xinyang,and the density was 25.09 per labor hour in June and 27.31 in July. The peak of mosquito density appeared from July to August in Luoyang,and the density was 13.94 per labor hour in July and 14.12 in August. The JE neutralizing antibody positive rate of 15-yearold age group was were 97.78% in Xinyang and 48.94% in Luoyang. They had statistical significance x^2= 55.42, P〈0.05). The peak of incidence of JE in Xinyang was a month earlier than Luoyang and this was consistent with the peak of mosquito density. The primary patients were in ( 14 year old group; in Xinyang, the primary patients were in 15-yearold group in Luoyang. This is consistent with the difference between the JE neutralizing antibody in 2 cities. Targeted prevention and control measures are the keys to reduce the incidence of JE.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
Japanese B Encephalitisl cases
healthy peoplel mosquitoes