
基于三层存储模型的RFID数据压缩存储方法 被引量:4

RFID data compression storage method based on three-level storage model
摘要 针对物联网技术中亟待解决的海量数据存储问题,提出了一种基于射频识别(RFID)的三层数据存储压缩模型。该模型将数据分为当前数据层、临时数据层和历史数据层,利用每一层中数据的特点分别设计了相应的数据汇总算法,最终实现RFID数据的压缩存储。在该模型的基础之上,提出了针对路径的编码算法,用于对路径进行压缩存储。实验结果表明,该三层存储模型可以有效地压缩存储RFID数据,同时数据汇总算法具有较低的时间复杂度与较高的数据压缩比。 Concerning the problem of massive data storage in the technology of the Internet of things, this paper proposed a three-level Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) data compression storage model. This model divided the data into the current level, the temporary level and the historical level. Corresponding data collection algorithm was designed for every level according to the features of data in each level. And a coding algorithm for paths based on the model was proposed to store the compressed paths. The experimental results show the three-level storage model can effectively store compression data, and demonstrate the algorithm of data gathering has higher data compression rate as well as lower time complexity.
作者 夏秀峰 赵龙
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期625-628,642,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 射频识别 海量数据 路径编码 数据压缩 三层存储模型 Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) massive data path coding data compression three-level storage model
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