目的 准确了解石景山区性病疫情,掌握其流行趋势和特征。方法 收集石景山地区1990~1999年各类性病报卡3 492例。结果 3 492例性病患者中淋病为1 906例,尖锐湿疣1 066例,非淋菌性尿道炎268例,梅毒191例,生殖器疱疹56例,性病性淋巴肉芽肿5例。结论 性病在各个行业中迅速蔓延,患病人数逐年上升,病种增多。
To comprehend the features of STD epidemic from 1990 to 1999 in Shijingshan District of Beijing. Methods The various kinds of 3 492 cards reported STDs were collected and analyzed. Results Of 3 492 STD patients, 1 906 ones infected with gonorrhea, 1 066 with condyloma acuminatum, 268 with nongonococcal urethritis, 191 with syphilis, 56 with genital herpes and 5 with lymphogranuloma venereum. Conclusion STD is spreading so quickly a-mong the populations of various occupations that the number of STD patients and its varieties increase year in year out.
Chinese Journal of Std & Aids Prevention and Control