
冠状动脉易损斑块及其形态学检测技术的新认识 被引量:2

New recognition of vulnerable plaques in coronary artery and its detection technology of morphology
摘要 冠心病患者发生严重急性冠状动脉事件约70%是由易损斑块(VP)所致。不稳定斑块的破裂是急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)发生的核心机制,其较冠状动脉狭窄程度及病变范围更能反映冠心病患者发生急性心血管事件。现代影像学技术的进展,特别是血管内超声(IVUS)及光学相干断层成像(OCT)对识别和判断VP的形态学特征,包括斑块的形态、成分,甚至功能状态提供了快速、可靠的信息支持,在诊断和评价冠状动脉斑块方面,高分辨率的0CT检测水平已近似于组织学检测水平。该文就VP形态学检测技术的进展和认识作一简要综述。 About 70% of severe acute coronary events in patients with coronary artery disease are caused by vulnerable plaques (VP). The rupture of unstable plaques is core mechanism of occurrence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and which effects is more important than that of degrees of coronary artery stenosis and ranges of illness with coronary artery in occurrence of acute cardiovascular events. The modem progress of imaging technology, espe- cially intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and optical coherence tomography (OCT), provides supports of fast and reliable information for identification and judgment of morphologial features of VP, including form, composition, and even function condition of VP. In diagnosis and evaluation of coronary artery plaques, the detection level of OCT with high distingnish rate is nearing the detection level of the histology, and then possessed with important clinical siginificance. In this paper,the progress on detection technology of VP morphology and new recognition are reviwed simply.
出处 《中国临床新医学》 2012年第2期184-186,共3页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF NEW CLINICAL MEDICINE
关键词 冠状动脉疾病 易损斑块 形态学 影像技术 Coronary artery disease Vulnerable plaque Morphology Imaging technology
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