
基于博客的链接分类体系设计 被引量:2

Design of Link Classification System Based on Blog
摘要 从链接动机入手,综合国内外学者们有关链接分类的研究,再结合图林博客网络自身的特点,总结出链接分类标准,并划分出了基于不同层次的链接类型,并以此构建了三级链接分类体系;利用层次分析方法确定体系中每个不同子类的不同权重,并对数据结果作出分析。 This paper integrates the research of link classification both in China and around the world,and presents a three-tier link classification system by combining blog's own characteristics with the standard of link classification.Further,it introduces the measuring and statistical methods to determine the weight of the indicators.By using AHP method the paper discusses the different weights of the different sub-categories in the system.At last,it analyzes the final results,which can be used to support the follow-up research.
作者 孙建军 屈良
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期321-326,346,共7页 Information Science
关键词 链接 链接分类 体系 链接类型 link link classification system link type
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