提出了一种方法一强迫纵振动法(该计算方法不同于以前的梁振动法)来确定黏弹性样品细棒的杨氏模量。在室温下,对长度分别为108 mm,100 mm,90 mm,83.5 mm,80 mm,74.5 mm,70 mm的聚碳酸酯细棒,实验测试得到了棒两端的振幅比与激励频率之间的关系曲线,并由曲线的3 dB带宽计算得到损耗因子,进一步得到棒的储能和耗能杨氏模量。依照这种方法,只要能得到足够多的数据,用最小二乘算法,可得到在感兴趣的频段内该材料相应的杨氏模量随频率变化的曲线。若测试频率步长减小到5 Hz,则测试最大误差可小于6%。与现有测试方法相比较,本方法计算简单,物理意义清晰。
A new method to identify complex modulus of viscoelastic polymers using forced longitudinal vibration of slender rods is proposed in this work. This new method differs from the beam one. Experimental tests were carried out at room temperature with different lengths in 108 mm, 100 mm, 90 ram, 83.5 mm, 80 ram, 74.5 ram, 70 mm for the polycarbonate bars, and the curves of ratios A2/A1 between two ends of a viscoelastic bar versus frequencies are obtained, furthermore, the corresponding 3 dB bandwidth and the storage and loss modulus are calculated. Sufficient number of obtained complex modulus at different frequency allows us to calculate the other ones using the least square method. If the step of the tested frequency is 5 Hz, the maximum error of results can be less than 6%. By comparison with the measurement methods which the previous literature mentioned, this new method simplifies the calculation, and the physical meaning appears apparently and clearly.
Acta Acustica