
铸造支架式可摘局部义齿折断分析 被引量:11

Fracture analyses of casting framework removable partial dentures
摘要 目的:对比纯钛与钴铬合金支架式可摘局部义齿(removable partial denture,RPD)的临床折断失败率,分析两种金属支架的断裂方式和原因,以及缺陷的产生在断裂过程中的作用。方法:通过大样本回顾性研究的方法追踪纯钛和钴铬合金支架式RPD共30 618件,分别统计18个月的临床折断失败率。收集断裂的金属支架,分析断裂原因,扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)观察其断裂面微观形貌,分析断裂方式和损伤特征。X线衍射能谱分析(energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,EDS)化学成分变化。结果:纯钛支架的折断失败率为1.75%,钴铬合金为0.57%。分析可能的折断原因涉及到临床牙体预备、支架设计和支架制作缺陷。纯钛和钴铬合金支架的断裂方式均呈现韧性断裂特征,裂隙缺陷存在于断裂后的纯钛和钴铬合金支架内部,气孔发现于纯钛支架的断裂面。结论:纯钛支架的临床折断失败率高于钴铬合金支架,原因与铸造过程产生的缺陷相关。 Objective: To compare the clinical fracture rates of removable partial denture(RPD) made of titanium with that of Co-Cr alloy,to analyze the fracture modes and reasons of two kinds of metal frameworks,and to explore the effect of defects on the fracture process.Methods: Following totally 30 618 RPDs made by titanium and by Co-Cr alloy,the fracture rates in 18-month were calculated individually.The fractured surfaces of failed RPDs were examined by fractography investigations using a field emission scanning electron microscope to disclose the fracture mode and damage character.The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis was performed to examine the chemical compositions.Results: The fracture rate of titanium framework was 1.75%,comparing with 0.57% of Co-Cr alloy framework.The reasons included teeth preparing,framework design,and defects during casting.The fracture modes of titanium and Co-Cr alloy framework performed toughness fracture character.The fissures were found in both titanium and Co-Cr alloy frameworks,and pores were detected in titanium frameworks.Conclusion: The higher fracture rate of titanium framework is related to the defects during casting.
出处 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期80-83,共4页 Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50872003)资助~~
关键词 义齿 局部 可摘 铬合金 牙折断 Denture partial removable Titanium Chromium alloy Tooth fractures
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