目的使用ISU方法计算营养素的日常摄入量(UI),评估中国成年居民的营养素摄入状况。方法使用"2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查"数据,采用美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State Unirersity,ISU)方法计算43 672名成年居民的碳水化合物、蛋白质、钙、铁、锌、硒、镁、维生素B1和维生素B2的UI,并将UI与平均需要量(EAR)比较,评估这些营养素摄入不足的比例;将宏量营养素供能比的UI与可接受宏量营养素分布范围(AMDRs)或适宜摄入量(AI)比较,评估宏量营养素摄入是否合理。结果我国成年居民碳水化合物和蛋白质供能比UI均值均在推荐范围之内,脂肪供能比UI均值稍高于AI上限;碳水化合物供能比低于AI下限的比例约为40%,蛋白质供能比低于AMDRs下限的比例约为20%,脂肪供能比高于AI上限比例约为50%。我国成年居民钙、锌、硒、镁、维生素B1和维生素B2摄入不足比例均较高,其中钙摄入不足的比例超过95%,维生素B1和维生素B2摄入不足的比例均达到了80%以上。结论我国成年居民宏量营养素供能比例不合理,膳食钙、锌、硒、镁、维生素B1和维生素B2摄入不足状况较为严重。
Objective To estimate the usual nutrients intake distributions of adults in China by Iowa State University,ISU) method in order to assess the prevalence of inadequate or excessive nutrients intakes with the Dietary Reference Intakes as reference values.Method The data of China National Nutrition and Health Survey in 2002 were used for analysis.After estimating the usual nutrients intake distributions of carbohydrate,protein,fat,calcium,iron,zinc,selenium,magnesium,thiamine and riboflavin by ISU method among 43 672 adults,the estimated average requirements(EAR) were used as cutoff points for verifying the proportion of individuals having inadequate nutrients intake.The usual intakes of macronutrients outside the acceptable macronutrient distibution ranges(AMDR) meant a major imbalance in energy intakes.Results The proportion of the intakes of energy from carbohydrate and protein below the lowest standard of adequate intake(AI) or AMDRs was about 40% and 20% respectively.The proportion of fat energy ratio that was higher than the upper limit of AI was around 50%.We found high prevalence rates of calcium,zinc,selenium,magnesium,thiamine and riboflavin inadequacies in adults,among which calcium inadequacy reached above 95%,and those of thiamine and riboflavin inadequacies reached above 80%.Conclusion The energy ratio of macronutrients was imbalanced among Chinese adults,and the dietary calcium,zinc,selenium,magnesium,thiamine and riboflavin inadequacies were prevalent.
Acta Nutrimenta Sinica