
Synchro-control of Twin-rudder with Cloud Model 被引量:3

Synchro-control of Twin-rudder with Cloud Model
摘要 In ships having two rudders, an angle error exists if there is a difference in structural and electrical parameters in two steering gear systems. Such an error also results in reduced efficiency of ship maneuverability during navigation. For the sake of reducing the angle error, a synchro-ballistic control approach based on cloud model is proposed in this paper. First, the mechanism model of steering gear system is introduced. Second, the structure of synchro-control system of twin-rudder is proposed based on the master-slave control strategy. Third, synchro-ballistic controller based on cloud model is designed to solve the nonlinearity and uncertainty of system. Finally, the designed controller is tested via simulation under two different situations. The simulated results demonstrate that this method is simple and has stronger robustness against the variation of states and parameters of plants. Hence, the validity and reliability of the method is proved for synchro-control of two rudders, which is a significant engineering application. In ships having two rudders, an angle error exists if there is a difference in structural and electrical parameters in two steering gear systems. Such an error also results in reduced efficiency of ship maneuverability during navigation. For the sake of reducing the angle error, a synchro-ballistic control approach based on cloud model is proposed in this paper. First, the mechanism model of steering gear system is introduced. Second, the structure of synchro-control system of twin-rudder is proposed based on the master-slave control strategy. Third, synchro-ballistic controller based on cloud model is designed to solve the nonlinearity and uncertainty of system. Finally, the designed controller is tested via simulation under two different situations. The simulated results demonstrate that this method is simple and has stronger robustness against the variation of states and parameters of plants. Hence, the validity and reliability of the method is proved for synchro-control of two rudders, which is a significant engineering application.
机构地区 College of Automation
出处 《International Journal of Automation and computing》 EI 2012年第1期98-104,共7页 国际自动化与计算杂志(英文版)
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51079033,No.60704004) the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.HEUCFR1009)
关键词 Ship steering steering gear twin-rudder synchro-ballistic cloud model. Ship steering, steering gear, twin-rudder, synchro-ballistic, cloud model.
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