
聚集素基因多态性与Alzheimer病相关性的Meta分析 被引量:3

Meta-analysis of association between clusterin gene polymorphism and Alzheimer disease
摘要 目的探讨聚集素(CLU)基因rs11136000多态性与Alzheimer病(AD)的相关性。方法运用Meta分析的方法检索PubMed、EMBASE、AlzGene、CBM、CHKD等数据库,收集符合纳入标准的CLU基因多态性与AD关系相关病例-对照研究文献。对纳入文献进行H-W遗传平衡检验及异质性检验,选择固定效应模型,以CLU基因rs11136000位点(TT+TC)/CC基因型及T/C等位基因分布的优势比(OR)和95%可信区间(CI)为效应指标,利用RevMan 5.0、Stata 11.0软件计算合并OR值及95%CI;偏倚分析评估发表偏倚。结果纳入10篇文献共29个研究群体。按种族分为高加索亚组、亚洲亚组、非洲亚组、西班牙亚族及其他种族亚组,组内无显著异质性。AD高加索亚组与对照组比较,CLU基因rs11136000(TT+TC)/CC基因型和T/C等位基因分布的合并OR=0.83(95%CI:0.79~0.86)和0.88(95%CI:0.85~0.90),总体效应检验Z=8.44、9.74(均P<0.001)。亚洲亚组、非洲亚组、西班牙亚组及其他种族亚组(TT+TC)/CC基因型和(或)T/C等位基因分布差异无统计学意义。偏倚分析未发现明显发表偏倚。结论 CLU基因rs11136000多态性与高加索人群AD易感性相关,携带T等位基因可能降低AD发病风险。其对于亚洲人、非洲裔、西班牙人及其他种族人群的影响尚不确定。 Objective To explore the association between clusterin(CLU) gene rsl 1136000 polymorphism and Alzheimer disease (AD). Methods Databases such as PubMed, EMBASE, AlzGene, CBM and CHKD were searched for relevant case-control studies of association between clusterin gene polymorphism and Alzheimer disease based on the defined selection criteria. The included studies were tested for control population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and heterogeneity between populations. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of CLU rsl 1136000 genotype (TT + TC)/CC and allele T/C distribution were analyzed with Review Manager Version 5.0 and Stata 11.0 software using the fixed effects model. Publication bias was tested by bias analysis. Results Ten literatures with twenty-nine different population groups were studied. The subgroups were Caucasian, Asian, African descent, Hispanic and others based on ethnics. There was no significant heterogeneity among subgroups. The summary OR for studies in caucasian with frequency of (Tr + TC )/CC genotype and T/C allele at rsl 1136000 locus in CLU gene were 0.83 (95 % CI:O. 79 - 0.86, Z = 8.44) and 0.88 (95 % CI: 0.85 - 0.90, Z = 9.74), which showed significant difference (all P 〈 0. 001 ). Those in Asian, African descent, Hispanic and other ethnic group showed no significant difference. There was no publication bias existing. Conclusions In Caucasian, CLU gene rsl 1136000 polymorphism may contribute to susceptibility of AD and the T allele may reduce the risk of AD. But no definite associations were found in Asian, African descent, Hispanic and other ethnic group.
出处 《临床神经病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第1期3-7,共5页 Journal of Clinical Neurology
关键词 聚集素 ALZHEIMER病 基因多态性 META分析 clusterin Alzheimer disease polymorphism Meta-analysis
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