
固体厌氧消化原料流变特性研究综述 被引量:6

Summary of Rheological Properties of Solid Raw Materials for Anaerobic Digestion
摘要 厌氧消化原料的流变特性是厌氧消化工艺设计和运行的重要参数。本文从研究对象、实验操作、研究内容和结果、影响因素以及发展方向等方面对固体厌氧消化原料,特别是污泥的流变特性研究现状进行了概述。研究表明,污泥来源广泛,成分复杂,属于非牛顿流体的范畴,其流变特性受多种因素影响,其中污泥的总悬浮固体(TSS)(或混合液悬浮固体(MLSS))和温度是最主要的影响因素。大部分研究采用层流剪切实验对物料的流变特性进行表征,研究对象范围有待于扩大。尚需针对流体本构方程的改进,共消化对于原料流变特性的影响,混合液固、液相指标与流变参数的关系等方面开展研究,为利用流变参数作为工艺控制参数提供理论依据,并解决工程放大等问题。 Rheologieal properties of raw materials are important parameters for design and operation of anaerobic digestion process. The paper summarizes the researches of solid raw materials for anaerobic digestion in the respects of studying objects, experimental operation, studying content, affecting factors and future developing direction, especially rheological properties of sludge. It shows that sludge have complicated composition and wide sources, belonging to non-Newton fluid. Their rheological properties depend on many factors such as total suspended solid (TSS) or mixed liquor suspended solids (MISS) and temperature. Mostly laminar shear experiments are used to evaluate the rheological properties, which need more materials as studying objects. More researches should be conducted in some respects such as improving fluid constitutive equations, effects of co-digestion on rheological properties, the correlations between the solid-liquid index in the mixture and theological parameters, to provide a theoretical basic for process control and scaling up of projects.
出处 《四川环境》 2012年第1期123-127,共5页 Sichuan Environment
关键词 厌氧消化 固体废弃物 流变特性 工艺控制 Anaerobic digestion solid waste theological properties process control
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