
牛轮状病毒三种核酸检测方法的比较 被引量:5

Comparison of three nucleic acid amplification assays for bovine rotavirus
摘要 利用针对牛轮状病毒(BRV)的普通PCR、实时荧光定量PCR(Real-time PCR)和环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)三种核酸检测方法对不同质粒浓度的样品和417份临床疑似样品进行检测,比较三种核酸检测方法的检出结果。三种核酸检测方法中LAMP最敏感敏感,能检测到1拷贝/μL,Real-time PCR能检测到100拷贝/μL,普通PCR只能检测到1×104拷贝/μL。但结合临床样品检测表明:常规PCR方法敏感度低会造成一部分漏检,LAMP灵敏度高又会造成错检。综合比较三种方法后,推荐用LAMP结合real-time PCR,不仅节约成本,且结果更为准确可靠,可提高牛轮状病毒的检出率。 10-fold dilution series samples and 417 clinical samples were used in this study to evaluate the three BRV-specific detected methods: conventional PCR,real-time PCR and LAMP. The results showed that LAMP is the most sensitive method with its detection limit of 1 copies/μL,real-time PCR is 10copies/μL,but PCR had a lower sensitivity with its detection limit of 10000 copies/μL. Clinically,a contrast analysis of these three methods has learnt: the PCR had a higher undetected rate due to its low sensitivity to clinical samples;the error rate of LAMP was high due to its high sensitivity. These results suggested that the method of LAMP combining with real-time PCR is recommended in clinical detection of BRV,which is not only cost efficient but also accurate.
出处 《中国动物检疫》 CAS 2012年第2期38-41,共4页 China Animal Health Inspection
基金 国家百千万人才工程人选专项资金资助(945200603) 广西科技攻关与新产品试制项目(桂科合0992033-5) 广西特聘专家专项经费资助项目(2011B020)
关键词 牛轮状病毒 RT-PCR 实时荧光PCR RT-LAMP bovine rotavirus RT-PCR real-time PCR RT-LAMP
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