
栅格型新安江模型的参数估计及应用 被引量:21

Parameter estimation and application of grid-based Xin'anjiang model
摘要 根据新安江模型与一维扩散波模型理论,构建了基于栅格的新安江(Grid-Xin’anjiang)模型.该模型以DEM栅格为计算单元,将每个单元的产流量划分为地表径流、壤中流以及地下径流3种水源,最后再根据栅格间的汇流演算次序,利用扩散波汇流方法依次将各种水源演算至流域出口.模型在进行产汇流计算时,考虑了栅格之间的水量交换以及河道排水网络的影响.以流域地貌特征、土壤及植被类型等下垫面条件为基础,研究了模型参数的估计方法,并对其进行了验证.将模型用于安徽省屯溪流域的洪水模拟,取得了良好的应用效果. Based on the theory of the Xin' anjiang model and one-dimensional diffusion wave model, the grid-based Xin' anjiang model (the Grid-Xin' anjiang model) was developed. This model regarded the grid DEM as the computational element, and the generated runoff of each element was divided into three components, the surface runoff, interflow, and groundwater runoff, which were routed using the cell-to-cell diffusion wave flow routing method according to the computational order of each grid cell in the DEM. During the calculation of the runoff generation and runoff concentration, the water exchange between grids and the influence of the river drainage network were taken into consideration. Based on the underlying surface conditions, including the topography, and the types of soil and vegetation in the study basin, a method for parameter estimation of the model was proposed and verified. The model was applied to the Tunxi Basin in Anhui Province for flood simulation and produced favorable results.
出处 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期42-47,共6页 Journal of Hohai University(Natural Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2010B00114) 国家博士点基金(20090094110005)
关键词 栅格型新安江模型 新安江模型 扩散波模型 参数估计 洪水模拟 屯溪流域 grid-based Xin' an jiang model Xin' anjiang model diffusion wave model parameter estimation flood simulation Tunxi Basin
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