

The production of J/ψ on LHC and the nuclear gluon density
摘要 根据色蒸发模型,应用EKS98及HKM04的程序,计算了在LHC上p-Pb碰撞过程中J/ψ粒子的微分产值比.在LHC的能量范围内,此比值近似于胶子的核效应因子.本文数据与未来LHC上p-Pb碰撞的实验数据对比,可以修正高能时此二种程序对束缚核子胶子分布函数的描述,对束缚核内胶子密度提供高能时的约束. Using color evaporation model we calculated the ratio of J/ψ production cross section with different nuclear effect factors: EKS98 and HKM.Because under the collision energy of LHC J/ψ is produced at small longitudinal momentum Fraction(xF1),the gluon fusion channel dominates over the q-q annihilation process.As a result,this radio is nearly equals to the gluon nuclear effect factor.Compared it with the future LHC experiment data we can get further constraints on the nuclear gluon PDFs under high collision energy,which would be useful for the studies of perturbative evolution on hadrons production.
出处 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期28-30,共3页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10575028) 石家庄经济学院基金项目(XN201005)
关键词 夸克偶素 部分子分布函数 色蒸发模型 胶子核效应因子 quarkonium parton distribution function color evaporation mode gloun effect factor
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