
基于面内模态的直线超声微电机研究 被引量:1

Research on Linear Ultrasonic Motor Using In-plane Mode
摘要 对矩形压电振子进行了研究,对其结构进行了改进,提出了一种直线超声微电机,介绍了其结构和工作原理,运用ANSYS有限元分析软件建立了压电振子的有限元模型,对压电振子进行了模态分析和谐响应分析,对压电振子的纵向和弯曲振动的面内模态的简并进行了分析。分析发现改进后的压电振子激振频率降低,频率点得到优化;同时,压电振子的振幅也明显变大。研究结果为纵弯面内复合模态的直线超声电机制作和实验研究提供了依据。 The rectangular piezoelectric resonators with longitudinal and bending mode were researched and the structure was improved. Put forward a novel linear ultrasonic motor and is introduced its structure and principle. The solid model of the piezoelectric resonator was built and the analyses of modal and harmonic responses for the piezoelectric resonator were executed. First-order longitudinal mode and second-order bending mode of the piezoelectric resonator were degenerated. The frequencies of the piezoelectric resonator on the B2 mode and L1 mode with the elastic cut holes are lower than ones with the elastic without holes. The frequency of the B2 and L1 vibration mode of the piezoelectric resonator was optimized. Result of this research is base for making ultrasonic prototype and the experiment of ultrasonic.
作者 万志坚
出处 《微电机》 北大核心 2012年第2期30-34,共5页 Micromotors
关键词 直线超声电机 模态分析 有限元 超声微电机 linear ultrasonic motor modal analysis finite element method micro ultrasonic motors
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