

Study of EU Cultural Trade Policy:Comment on Inspiration for China
摘要 欧盟基础条约对文化及文化贸易的规定经历了一个从无到有,从边缘到中心的过程,《马约》首次为欧盟文化贸易提供了正式法律依据。从欧盟现有立法和对外贸易实践分析,欧盟文化贸易政策在区域内强调文化多样性和自由化的统一、实行内部自由化与外部限制双轨制、充斥着保守派和自由派之间的斗争。对外欧盟高举文化多样性大旗,体现出与美国不同的利益诉求和价值定位,并通过《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》对WTO进行制衡。同时欧盟文化贸易政策及实践对中国具有重要的借鉴意义,中国在过渡期后同样面临文化贸易逆差和进一步开放市场的压力,如何在新一轮谈判中维护自身利益是当前重要课题之一。 Cultural trade policy in EU foundation treaty experienced a process from margin to center. The European Constitution provided legal basis for cultural trade for the first time. By analyzing the existing legislation and external trade experience, we can conclude that in the internal market EU emphasizes cultural diversity and liberalization, proposes double track of internal liberalization and external protection, faces challenge of dissenting opinions of conservative and liberal. However, in internal arena EU holds high the flag of cultural diversity which embodies different interest and value orientation from US, and uses UNESCO as a tool to counterbalance with WTO. There are a lot of similarities between China and EU. China also has to face the challenge of cultural trade deficit and open cultural market after the termination of the transitional period. How to learn from the experience of EU would be an import issue presently.
作者 陈亚芸
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期73-79,共7页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家211工程重点学科项目--社会转型期的法制建设和公民教育之子课题<自由贸易体制内文化多样性的保护与促进研究>(LC-B019)
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