
基于T/4分数间隔采样双模式盲均衡算法的研究 被引量:11

Study of dual mode blind equalization algorithm based on T/4 fractionally spaced sampling
摘要 本文针对恒模算法(CMA)收敛速度较慢、收敛后均方误差较大的缺点,提出一种新的双模式盲均衡算法。先采用T/4分数间隔采样的盲均衡算法,由于采用了过采样技术,避免了因欠采样引起的频谱混叠,然后在算法收敛后切换到判决引导(DD-LMS)算法,减少误码率。计算机仿真表明,本文提出的新算法有较快的收敛速度、较小的稳态误差和较低的误码率。 Aiming at the lower convergence rate and larger mean square error (MSE)of the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) , a new dual mode blind equalization algorithm is proposed in this paper. In the beginning of algorithm, the blind equalization algorithm based on T/4 fractionally spaced sampling (T/4 FSE-CMA) is used. The frequency chaos are avoided because of the over-sampling technology. When the algorithm is converged, the algorithm switches decision directed algorithm to lessen the bit error rate (BER). Simulation results show that the new algorithm has faster convergence rate, smaller steady-state errors and lower bit error ratio.
出处 《电路与系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期81-85,共5页 Journal of Circuits and Systems
关键词 恒模算法 盲均衡 分数间隔 双模式 constant modulus algorithm blind equalization fractionally spaced dual mode
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