
基于生存系统模型的认知无线电网络频谱管理自治系统设计 被引量:3

Design of cognitive radio network spectrum management autonomous system based on viable system model
摘要 针对动态频谱接入和认知无线电技术对频谱管理的新要求,采用分层的频谱管理理念,基于生存系统模型(Viable System Model,VSM)设计适合认知无线电网络的频谱管理自治系统,该系统通过节点参与频谱管理,网络自我约束等措施,实现认知无线电网络对频谱的自治。最后,将该系统应用于一种异构网络共存的频管案例设计中,仿真分析表明:本文提出的基于VSM的频谱管理自治系统响应时间大幅度降低;认证效率为O(1),较传统方式性能有很大提升。 Hierarchical spectrum management architecture is proposed in order to solve the spectrum management problem brought by dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio technology. Cognitive radio spectrum management autonomous system (CRN-SMAS) is proposed based on viable system model (VSM), which enables the cognitive radio (CR) node carry out the spectrum management through coordination across the cognitive radio network (CRN). It enforces the self-restriction of CR and CRN. And it satisfies the requirement that CR accesses the spectrum under different spectrum management constraints. The function modules, interfaces and information flows between the interfaces are demonstrated. And a case study of VSM-based dynamic spectrum allocation system is analyzed in order to show the authentication efficiency and response time of CRN-SMAS. The authentication efficiency is 0 (1) and the response time can decrease greatly. And the results indicate that the proposed CRN-SMAS has advanced performance than traditional spectrum management method.
出处 《电路与系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期103-110,共8页 Journal of Circuits and Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61072077)
关键词 生存系统模型 认知无线电网络 频谱管理自治系统 动态频谱分配 Viable System Model (VSM) cognitive radio network spectrum management autonomous system dynamic spectrum allocation
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