
QuEChERS—色质联用技术在食品农药多残留检测中的应用与前景 被引量:17

Application Prospect of QuEChERS-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry in Multi-residue Determination of Pesticides in Food
摘要 食品中农药多残留是一项关系到食品安全的重要问题。近年来,QuEChERS—色质联用技术作为一种高效检测食品中农药多残留的方法,成为国内外广泛研究的热点。QuEChERS方法由于具有快速、简单、廉价、有效、可靠、安全的特点,成为一种备受关注的样品前处理新技术,而色质联用技术由于其高效的分离能力和定性鉴定能力可在短时间内实现几十种甚至几百种复杂化合物的分离、定性及定量。就QuEChERS—色质联用技术在植物源、动物源食品中农药多残留检测的应用研究中取得的成果和存在的问题进行综述,并对应用前景作一展望。 The pesticides residues in food is an important problem related to food safety.In recent years, QuEChERS-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry,as an efficient technical in Multi-residue Determination of Pesticides,is becoming the focus of study in the world.QuEChERS method has received much concern as a quick,easy,cheap,effective, rugged and safe sample preparation method.Due to its efficient separation and qualitative evaluation capacity,dozens or even more hundreds of complex compounds can be separated,qualitated and quantitated by Chromatography Mass Spectrometry in a short time.This article summarizes the application of QuEChERS-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry in multi-residue determination of pesticides in plant-derived foods and animal-derived foods and forecasts the bright prospect of QuEChERS-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry.
出处 《农产品加工(下)》 2012年第2期89-92,共4页 Farm Products Processing
关键词 农药多残留 QUECHERS 色质联用技术 食品 multi-residue of pesticide QuEChERS Chromatography Mass Spectrometry food
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