
非肿块型乳腺癌钼靶X线分析 被引量:5

Study on mammographic findings of non-masslike breast cancer
摘要 目的通过分析讨论66例非肿块型乳腺癌的钼靶x线特征表现,提高对此类乳腺癌的诊断水平。方法对66例经手术病理证实的非肿块型乳腺癌患者施行双侧乳腺轴位及斜位钼靶x线摄片结果进行回顾性分析。结果66例中微钙化者35例;结构扭曲17例;局灶性不对称13例;弥漫性密度增高2例。结论微钙化、结构扭曲、局灶性不对称及弥漫性病变是非肿块型乳腺癌的重要x线征象,注重这些征象的分析,可以减少这类乳腺癌的漏诊误诊。 Objective To improve the diagnosis of non-masslike breast cancer by studying 66 cases with mammography findings. Methods Retrospectively review the mammography findings of 66 pathologically confirmed non-masslike breast cancer cases; each case had cranio-eaudal (CC) view and mediolateral oblique (MLO) view. Results In the mammography findings of 66 cases, 35 cases showed micro-calcification, 17 cases showed structure tortuosity disorder, 13 eases showed focal asymmetric density and 2 cases showed diffuse high density. Conclusions Micro-calcification, structure tortuosity, focal asymmetric density and diffuse high density are important signs of nonmasslike breast cancer mammography. Recognition of these signs can help us avoid misdiagnosis of nonasslike "breast cancer.
出处 《中国医药》 2012年第2期182-183,共2页 China Medicine
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 乳房X线摄影术 Breast neoplasms Mammography
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