
深水管道监测信息的水声传输技术研究 被引量:5

Research on High-speed Underwater Acoustic Communication Technology of Drilling Riser Monitoring System
摘要 目前国内钻井深水管道(隔水管)的深海环境和受力状态监测信息采用有线线缆传输或记录仪离线传输,为解决有线传输沿整个管道敷设线缆和维护困难、记录仪不能实时传输监测信息的问题,采用水声通信技术无线实时地传输监测信息,提出了深水监测方案,在隔水管固定深度布放测点,减小了布放的复杂性;针对大深度和大信息量监测信息水声传输,研究了信息传输的最佳载波频率、调制方式、帧同步结构等关键技术;将该文的水声通信方法进行实验,发送数据120次,每次发送数据1000帧,结果接收效果为100%,误同步率0,误比特率为0.05%,经验证可靠,对深海石油钻探和开采作业监测信息的无线实时传输有重要应用价值。 At present domestic monitoring information of deep water drilling pipe(riser) is transmitted by the cable or offline recording instrument.But it is hard to lay cable along the entire pipe and to maintain cable.The recorder can't transmit information in real-time.This paper proposed the wireless UWA communication solution with point placed and real-time transmission.For large water-depth and large amount information needed to transmit,we study the key techniques as optimal carrier frequency,modulation patterns,and frame synchronization structure.Experiment results show that the high-speed UWA communication method in the paper is reliable,so it is valuable for mining operations and exploration of deep sea oil drilling.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期328-330,334,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家深水油气项目资助(2008ZX05026-01-08)
关键词 隔水管 水声通信 调制 同步 riser acoustic communication modulation synchronization
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