
原则理论与法概念争议 被引量:5

Theory of Principles and the Dispute over the Concept of Law
摘要 法理学中法概念之争的中心议题在于法律和道德在概念上是否存在必然联系,或者说法律效力和道德正确性之间是否存在必然联系。为了证立联系命题,阿列克西在其早先的原则理论的基础上提出了原则论据,后者包括安置命题、道德命题与正确性命题。在逐一检讨了这三个命题的恰当性以及其与联系命题间的关联度后可以认为,原则论据无法用来证立联系命题。但这并不表示联系命题就必然失败,因为原则理论可以别的方式来证明它。法概念的争议是有关法律效力判准的争议,最终是政治哲学上的争议。 The core issue of dispute over the concept of law in jurisprudence lie in that whether there is a necessary conceptual connection between law and morality. In other words, whether there is a necessary connection between legal validity and moral correctness. In order to justify the connection thesis, Robert Alexy advances the argument from principles on the basis of his early theory of principles, including the thesis of in-corporation, of morality and of correctness. This article the appropriateness of these three these and their rele- vance to the connection of thesis step by step, then argues that, argument from principles is not a appropriate tool to justify the connection thesis. But it does no imply the unavoidable failure of the connection thesis, since the possibility of other ways of justification. The dispute over the concept of law is indeed a dispute over the criteria over the validity of law, and finally a dispute in the political philosophy.
作者 雷磊
出处 《法制与社会发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期103-117,共15页 Law and Social Development
基金 2011年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"规范 逻辑与法律论证"(11YJC820050)
关键词 法概念 原则论据 安置命题 道德命题 正确性命题 效力判准 concept of law argument from principles thesis of incorporation thesis of morality thesis ofcorrectness criteria over the validity of law
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