
高龄老年人卒中一级预防中的血压管理 被引量:2

Blood pressure management for primary prevention of stroke in the very elderly
摘要 高龄老年人口增长迅速,其预期寿命也明显延长。年龄是卒中的独立危险因素,高龄老年人卒中风险极高。高血压是高龄老年人最常见的可干预卒中危险因素。近20年来,抗高血压在卒中一级预防中的作用的相关研究结果逐一公布,其中一些大型随机对照研究具有里程碑式的意义,为高龄老年人的血压管理提供了切实的证据。 The population of the very elderly is flowing steeply with prolonged life expectancy. Age is an independent risk factor for stroke. Naturally, the very elderly become the high risky population. Hypertension is the most common and modifiable risk factor of stoke in the very elderly. Results of studies conducted during these 20 years have been reported to explore and investigate the relationship between stroke primary prevention and antihypertensive treatment, some of which are regarded as landmarks trials, providing essential evidences for blood pressure managenment in the very elderly.
出处 《国际脑血管病杂志》 北大核心 2012年第1期74-78,共5页 International Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases
基金 基金项目:北京市保健科研课题项目(京11-09号) 北京市卫生系统高层次卫生技术人才培养计划项目(2011-3-023)
关键词 卒中 高血压 血压 抗高血压药 老年人 老年人 80以上 Stroke Hypertension Blood Pressure Antihypertensive Agents Aged Aged, 80 and over
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