Judgments of learning (JOLs) are defined as judgments that occur during or after acquisition and are predictions about future test performance on recently studied items. JOLs are assessments that people make, either in the course of learning, or after it, about how well they have learned the particular target materials under question. Delayed JOLs, in which the judgments are made with the cue at some time after the study effort, appear to be among the most accurate ways of making a self assessment of one’s own learning. So, many researchers were interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying delayed JOLs. There were many theories and hypotheses as to why the delayed JOL accuracy advantage occurs. In this paper, these theories were introduced and discussed, such as the transfer-appropriate-monitoring (TAM) hypothesis, the monitoring-dual-memories (MDM) hypothesis, the cue-utilization model, the dual-processes model and so on. The TAM hypothesis states that the retrieval enacted while making delayed JOLs is more similar to the retrieval that the person will use at test than are the processes that people use to make immediate JOLs. Therefore, the delayed retrieval-related JOL will be more diagnostic of how people will do in the test. The MDM hypothesis states that immediate judgments are based on retrieval from both short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). In the immediate-JOL condition, STM information is highly accessible but it is transient and does not reflect what information will be available in the final test. The presence of this STM information adds nondiagnostic information to the judgment, thereby reducing the accuracy of JOLs. In the delayed JOLs case, people are thought to base their judgments primarily on the retrieval of information from LTM. This retrieval information is more accurate in predicting final test performance, which is also based on LTM alone. The cue-utilization accounts distinguish among three general classes of cues for JOLs: intrinsic, extrinstic, and mnemonic. The delayed JOLs are accurate because people can make use of mnemonic cues concerning the accessibility of the target or partial clues about it. The dual-process model states that two processes underlie delayed JOLs. The first process is the recognition of the cue. The second uses the recognized cue in an attempt to retrieve the target. In addition, relative accuracy and absolute accuracy, some new methods, paradigms and ideas were also discussed. Considering the former findings and theories of delayed JOLs and the research trend, the author argues that future studies should focus on three aspects:(1) the mechanism of delayed JOLs; (2) news ideas, methods, and techniques;(3) the application of the delayed JOLs effect.
Journal of Psychological Science
delayed judgment of learning transfer-appropriate-monitoring hypothesis monitoring-dual-memories hypothesis cue-utilization model a dual-process model