为了解在内蒙古分离的炭疽杆菌与其它地区的菌株之间有无差异 ,采用 PCR加酶切的方法对所选用的被试菌进行了 16 S和 2 3S r RNA基因间段分析。结果发现所有实验菌株间的 PCR及酶切图谱一致 ,说明我区的炭疽杆菌与其它地区的菌株在遗传学上具有同源性 ,无本质差异。
To know the difference of bacillus anthracis isolated from Inner Mongolia and the other regions, the PCR amplification and digestion by restriction endonucleases were done on the 16S and 23S rRNA spacer region of bacillus anthracis isolated from different regions. It was found that all of isolates displayed an identical pattern. The result suggested that the Bacillus anthracis of Inner Mongolia was homogeneous with these of the other regions.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin