为全面掌握青海省碘缺乏病防治工作的现状及存在的问题 ,1999年采用 PPS抽样法在全省 45个县 (市 ) 30个点抽取 8~ 10岁学龄儿童 12 0 0名 ,进行甲状腺肿大、尿碘、加碘盐、新生儿脐带血 TSH水平等项目检测 ,同时对部分 12岁儿童和家庭主妇进行健康教育问卷调查。结果表明 :8~ 10岁学龄儿童甲状腺肿大率触诊法为 4.92 % ,B超法为 5 .5 2 % ;尿碘中位数 136 .8μg/ L ,≥ 10 0μg/ L者占 5 7.80 % ;碘盐合格率为 5 4.96 % ;新生儿脐带血 TSH>5 ml U/ L者占 37%。全省通过食盐加碘干预措施 ,使碘缺乏病病情得到明显控制 ,居民的碘营养水平得到提高 ,但对全省居民碘营养水平的监测和补碘工作仍需加强。
In order to summarize the experience and present problems in IDD control in Qinghai, a monitoring survey, by population proportionate sampling(PPS), was carried out for surveillance of controlling effect and current state of IDD in the province. Detection for goiter rate, iodine level in urine and table salt, TSH level of the neonates and questionary of health awareness were made in 1 200 children of 8~10 years old from 45 counties (cities) by PPS. The goiter rate of the children from 30 sites was 4.92% with palpation and 5.52% with ultrasonography. The percentage with urinary iodine level more than 100 μg/L was 57.8% and the median was 116.8 μg/L. 54.96% of the salt samples was adequately iodized. The percentage of the neonates with TSH more than 5 mU/L was 37.0%. Although the state of IDD has been markedly reduced and the iodine nutrition of the inhabitants has been improved after implementing the iodized salt programme in the province, it's still necessary to emphasize supplement of iodine and surveillance of iodine level in the whole population.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin
Qinghai Province