

Pre-assessment of Occupational Hazards in a Titanium Strip Cold Rolling Project
摘要 目的确定某工厂钛带冷轧项目可能存在和产生的职业病危害因素,分析其危害程度,评价该项目职业病危害防护措施及其效果,提出职业病危害的关键控制岗位与工序。方法采用检查表法、类比法与风险分析相结合的方法进行综合分析评价。结果项目存在和产生的职业病危害因素有:噪声、高温及热辐射;NOX、硝酸、氟化氢、氢氟酸、氢氧化钠、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、二氧化硫、粉尘、电焊烟尘、锰及其化合物等。结论该项目属于职业病危害严重的建设项目,拟采取的职业病危害防护措施基本可行。 Objective To determine the potential occupational hazards and its degree in a titanium strip cold rolling project,and pre-evaluate the protection measures,find out the positions and procedures with occupational hazards.Methods Checklist method,analogy method combined with the risk analysis were used to conduct comprehensive analysis and evaluation.Results The occupational hazards existed in this project included noise,heat,nitrogen oxides,nitric acid,hydrogen fluoride,hydrofluoric acid,sodium hydroxide,carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide,sulfur dioxide,dust,welding fume,manganese and its compounds,etc.Conclusion This project is considered with serious occupational hazards,the occupational protection measures which will be taken are basically feasible.The project is a construction project with serious occupational hazards,the proposed occupational hazards protective measures are basically feasible.
作者 傅林铃
出处 《职业卫生与病伤》 2011年第6期363-367,共5页 Occupational Health and Damage
关键词 钛带冷轧 职业病危害 预评价 防护对策 titanium strip cold rolling occupational hazards pre-assessment prevention
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