
线性复杂度为2^n-2^m-1的2^n-周期二元序列的k-错线性复杂度 被引量:2

k-error linear complexity of 2n-periodic binary sequences with linear complexity 2n -2m -1
摘要 线性复杂度和k-错线性复杂度是研究流密码稳定性的两个重要概念。当改变序列某几位时不会使得序列的线性复杂度急剧减少,说明该序列的稳定性良好。运用Chan-Games给出了当k=4或5时,F2上固定线性复杂度为2n-2m-1的2n-周期二元序列的k-错线性复杂度所有可能值,LCk(s)=0或LCk(s)=2n-2m-2r+1+c,LCk(s)=2n-2r+1+c。这一结果对流密码稳定性的研究有重要的应用价值。 Linear complexity and k-error linear complexity are two important concepts to study the stability of the stream ci- pher. When a sequences changed some bit don' t lead to the linear complexity sharply reduce, so the sequences more stability. For a 2n-periodic binary sequence with linear complexity 2n - 2m - 1 on F2, and k = 4 or 5, this paper obtained all the possible values of ,the k-error linear complexity using Chan-Games algorithm, LCk ( s ) = 0 or LCk ( s ) = 2n - 2m - 2r + l + C, LCk (s) = 2n -2r+1 + c. The result has an imnortant application value for study the stability of stream cipher.
作者 朱士信 梁静
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期1104-1106,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60973125) 高校博士点基金资助项目(20080359003) 东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室开放课题资助项目
关键词 线性复杂度 K-错线性复杂度 Chan-Games算法 二元周期序列 流密码 linear complexity k-error linear complexity Chan-Games algorithm periodic binary sequences stream ciphers
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