
Gary Snyder's Defamiliarization Translation of Chinese Classic Poems

Gary Snyder's Defamiliarization Translation of Chinese Classic Poems
摘要 The "defamiliarization theory" has undergone a process of continuous improvement, with its focus shifting from the plain text to the world concerned. A similar process was experienced by scholars who apply the theory. In this paper, the author explores Gary Snyder's "defamiliarization" technique of translating classic Chinese poems Departing from the traditional critique of the form and structure of the text, the author applies the "defamiliarization theory" itself towards the understanding of Snyder's art and thinking and a discussion of his literature, ideology, and creativity, thereby restoring a true image of Gary Snyder as a poet and a translator
作者 CONG Zi-hang
出处 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第12期787-796,共10页 中美英语教学(英文版)
关键词 DEFAMILIARIZATION Gary Snyder Chinese classic poems TRANSLATION 英语教学 教学方法 阅读教学 英语翻译
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