本文对钻井布局问题的研究 ,是从全局搜索入手 ,逐步深入讨论了各种算法的有效性、适用性和复杂性 ,得到不同条件下求最多可利用旧井数的较好算法 .对问题 1 ,我们给出了全局搜索模型、局部精化模型与图论模型 ,讨论了各种算法的可行性和复杂度 .得到的答案为 :最多可使用 4口旧井 ,井号为 2 ,4 ,5,1 0 .对问题 2 ,我们给出了全局搜索、局部精化和旋转矢量等模型 ,并对局部精化模型给出了理论证明 ,答案为 :最多可使用 6口旧井 ,井号为 1 ,6,7,8,9,1 1 ,此时的网格逆时针旋转 4 4.37度 ,网格原点坐标为 (0 .4 7,0 .62 ) .对问题 3,给出判断 n口井是否均可利用的几个充分条件。
In this thesis,we begin our research of mathematical model of borehole layout with an eye to the whole and then analyze step by step the effeciency, flexibility and complexity of all kinds of calculating methods. At last,we get a relativity better method to make out the number of boreholes that can be utilized under different circumferences. To the first question, after the demonstration of an overall research model,precise local model and a graphizal modle, and after the discussion of the flexibility and complexity of various calculating methods, we come to the answer ramedy,that only four used boredholes can be utilized at most, numbered 2,4,5,and 10. To the second question, we offer an overall research model, a precise local model as well as a revolving vector model. In particular, we give a theoretical demonstration of the local model. The answer we get is that only 6 used boreholes can be utilized at most, numbered 1,6,7,8,9,and 11 and that the net will revolve 44 37 with a coordinate (0 47,0 67). To the third question,in order to judge whether all of the given boreholes can be used, we enumerate the ample requirements and the compulsory requirements together with the approriately effective calculating method.
Mathematics in Practice and Theory